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Year 2

Our aim in Year 2 is to make the teaching and learning an enjoyable experience. We endeavour to make lessons and activities practical and embedded in context where appropriate.

Skills and knowledge in core subjects are consolidated through lessons which focus on using and applying these skills.

Here are some of the ways we help your child to become a confident learner:

  • We plan activities which are practical, with the emphasis on language development and discussion in heritage language if appropriate.
  • We try to give the children first-hand experiences as much as possible, with workshops, visits, visitors and walks around the local area.
  • We have very talented support staff. They are used to effectively target children who would benefit from extra support.
  • Each class identifies the children who need extra help with reading, writing and mathematics. We target these children from the time they enter Year 2, using their Early Years Foundation Scores and end of term levels from Year 1. We also use the transition notes from previous class teachers.
  • For children who require additional support, we have an effective early intervention meeting in the term before the children start Year 2, which is attended by the headteacher, year group leaders and Year 2 teachers.
  • Children are then targeted to follow one of the many successful interventions we offer here.
  • We also offer nurturing activities to support children’s social and emotional needs in the ARC.
  • Each class teacher displays the daily timetable on a large whiteboard. This ensures that everyone in the classroom is informed of the routines and learning objectives for each day.
  • The daily timetable is shared with the adults in the classroom before the start of each day.
  • We value learning within the outdoor environment and children access the outdoor provision in the afternoon.
  • We teach daily phonics/SPaG lessons based on the Read, Write Inc. scheme and the National Curriculum.
  • The children take home a reading book to share with someone at home, on a daily basis. 

If you would like to find out more about your child’s time in Year 2 please ask any of the Year 2 Team who will be happy to help you.