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Home Learning

Using the internet safely

Please ensure that your child has appropriate supervision when using the internet, and that your home internet has suitable parental/carer control filters for children's use.

All children (or parents/carers on behalf of their children) have signed our internet acceptable use policy. You may find these useful when talking about using the internet safely with your child. Our online safety policy is available on the Policies page.

Reading at home

Developing a love of reading at home can have a huge impact on your child's reading development. Have a look at the tips below for how to support your child's reading at home.

Useful links and resources

Manorfield uses the White Rose Maths Hub to support our maths teaching and learning. Their website has a dedicated home learning page packed with recorded lessons, activities and resources for you to use. Click the logo above to visit.

The CBBC program Numberblocks is a fantastic resource to support your child's understanding of number. All episodes are currently available to watch on BBC iPlayer. Click the link above to start watching!

Oxford Owl has lots of Read, Write Inc. Resources available. - interactive literacy and maths games

BBC Bitesize has activities, resources, videos for all subjects.

The National Oak Academy has lots of additional learning resources.