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School day and attendance

School day

Our doors open at 8:40am and are closed at 8:55am for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 - registration happens at this point.
Doors open again for collection at 3:10pm each day.

For Nursery, the morning session runs from 8:30-11:30am and the afternoon session, for children receiving 30 hours' funding, runs from 12:30-3:30pm.

Our school is open for 32.5 hours per week.


Children make better progress if they attend school regularly. Punctuality is also important to them - they can feel 'left out' if activities have started before they arrive.  Absences can have a serious effect on progress, so we ask parents/carers to support the school by ensuring that children are absent as little as possible. 

If your child is absent, it is essential that you let the school know by calling 01924 326 718.
Two bilingual Business Support Officers are available to answer phone calls. 
If we are not informed of a reason for a child’s absence, a member of staff will contact you by phone.  
The Education (Pupils Attendance Records) Regulations state that if a child is absent from school without notification from a parent/carer the absence must be marked as unauthorised.

Medical and dental appointments

Please let us know in advance about any medical and dental appointments.  If your child needs to leave school for these appointments at times other than normal home time, a known adult must collect them and the class teacher or headteacher must be informed. The adult must sign the child out at the reception desk stating the time and reason for taking the child out of school. No child can be taken out of school without the permission of the headteacher or senior member of staff. These arrangements are for the safety of the children.

If a child’s absence reaches an unacceptable level, the school makes a formal referral to the Educational Social Work Service. 

Term time absences

The law says that children should attend school each and every day, except in exceptional circumstances. Exceptional circumstances do not include marriages abroad, cheap holiday availability or visiting relatives. If you do not return by the agreed date, your child is at risk of losing his or her place at school. Parents/carers are also liable to a fine if children are kept away from school for an extended period, or without the headteacher’s permission. Fines are issued after a child has missed 5 days (10 sessions).

For this reason, parents/carers must always discuss proposed term time absences with the headteacher, and complete the appropriate term time absence form prior to booking tickets or accommodation.

Our attendance policy can be found here.